We welcome to the community of Faith all those recently baptised and pray that the Lord will guide their Parents, Grandparents and Sponsors in their Spiritual care of the children.

St. Joseph’s Church The Rock
Baptisms take place on the
2nd Saturday of the month at 11:30 am

Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea
Baptisms take place on the
4th Saturday of the month at 11:30 am
What you will need in Preparation for your Child’s Baptism
1) Request for Baptism will only be confirmed when the application form is completed at the Parish Office.
2) A copy of the child’s Birth Certificate is necessary to prove identity.
3) Godparents must be a minimum sixteen years of age.
4) Parents are asked to provide a NEW Baptismal Candle for each child.
5) Where a Baptism is transferred from a different Parish, a letter of permission from that Parish Priest of that Parish is necessary.
Please note that a minimum of 4 weeks notice is required for Baptisms.
Note:- Baptism times will obviously depend on other circumstances such as funerals etc. when the time may need to be changed to a later time on the same day.
The Signs and Symbolism of Baptism
The Sign of the Cross:
The sign of the cross which we make at the beginning of the ceremony on the child’s forehead, is the mark of Christians for Jesus Christ who died on the cross. Parents and God-parents trace it on the child’s forehead to show that the baby belongs to Christ, who now offers his help and grace to face and overcome the sufferings of life.
The Oil of Baptism is olive oil rubbed on the breast of the baby, and the Oil of Chrism is a mixture of olive oil and balsam (sweet-smelling ointment) and is rubbed on the crown of the head. It is a sign of sealing with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Profession of Faith:
You have requested baptism for your child. In doing this, you are making a commitment to bringing up your child in the faith.
We promise to live by Christian values and pass on those values to our child. We promise to bring our child to Mass and the Sacraments, for this is what it means to belong to the Christian family. Therefore we profess the faith that we promise, before the community gathered, to pass onto our child. We pray for the grace to live as good Christian witnesses before our child.
Water is essential for life. It is for cleansing and is a sign that our sins are washed away. Baptism cleanses us of original sin with which we are all born and, in the baptism of adults, of every sin committed prior to Baptism. Baptism, water symbolises the new life we receive in Christ.
Baptism Robe/Shawl:
The White Robe is a symbol of Christ. After they were baptised, the early Christians used to clothe themselves in white garments to show that they had “put on Christ”. In the same way, the child, during the baptism ceremony, is clothed in the white shawl to show that they are “clothed in Christ” or “wrapped up” in the love of Christ.
The Baptism Candle:
The large Easter Candle (or Pascal Candle) is lit for the Baptism ceremony. This light symbolises Christ, the Risen Lord, who overcame the cross and rose to new life. It is a symbol of hope! A smaller Baptism Candle is lit from the Easter Candle. This light, love and hope of Jesus is being passed on to the new Christian through you the parents.
Registration of Baptism:
The Parish records the baptism of your child in the Baptismal Register. This record includes the full names of the child, Parents and Godparents, the child’s date of birth, the date of the baptism and the name of the officiating Priest.